7 Benefits of Online Business Accounting in HishabPati

7 Benefits of Online Business Accounting in HishabPati

An online or e-commerce business can be built around a mobile phone or laptop! Now, tell me, if the foundation of your business is modern electronic devices like mobiles or laptops, can you manage its accounts using notebooks, diaries, or ledger books? Therefore, accounts of online business can be maintain on a such platform which is designed as per your requirement.

Embrace a platform meticulously tailored to align with the specific needs of your business. Despite the myriad options available when searching for free accounting apps for mobile suitable for small business accounting, there's a specific recommendation. This particular accounting app is uniquely designed for small business owners, offering adept tracking of various financial transactions associated with online businesses. Now, let's explore the distinctive benefits of engaging in online business accounting using the HishabPati app, the leading free accounting software in Bangladesh.

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7 Benefits of Online Business Accounting in HishabPati:

Embarking on the journey of managing your online business accounts with the HishabPati app brings about surprising transformations. These changes are particularly pronounced for small and medium-sized business owners engaged in e-commerce or online ventures, especially those who have previously relied on manual business accounting.
Explore some of the tangible advantages of maintaining accounts in a digital ledger as opposed to a manual one. Discover how this free accounting app for mobile has become an essential tool for businesses, revolutionizing the financial management landscape. HishabPati stands out as a testament to modern and efficient free accounting software in Bangladesh.

01. Using HishabPati for online business accounts saves one to two days monthly.

Intuit Inc., an America-based business software company, conducted research that demonstrates business owners using accounting apps cut nearly two days of work each month. The time previously spent on manual accounting methods with pens can now be allocated to business growth or the exploration of new ideas.
Users experience enhanced convenience when maintaining online business accounts in the HishabPati app, specifically designed for small businessmen in Bangladesh. To expand the business scope, it is crucial to ponder new possibilities, and this extra time allows for such strategic thinking.

  • HishabPati's Multiple User Feature: Facilitates the addition of two user types, namely salesman and manager. This feature contributes to the efficient operation of your business, reducing the time required for management tasks.

02. Accurate data can increase productivity by up to 25%

Data accuracy in any business is now a hot topic around the world. It is almost impossible to keep an accurate account of income and expenditure, profit and loss, balance due, stock, VAT, tax, delivery charges etc. in a handwritten book.
Due to wrong calculations, the business will suffer huge losses. On the other hand, accurate data helps in making the right decisions at the right time, and can increase business productivity by up to 25%! (Research by US based IT company 'Forrester Research')
You too can increase your business productivity by using accounting apps. Two special features of the app will guarantee you accurate calculations.

  • HishabPati's Auto Data Sync: HishabPati app works in both online and offline mode. So wherever you are active on any device, mobile or laptop, business accounts can be input at any time. Because all the data will be saved in your business account through the auto sync of the account as soon as the device you use comes under internet connection.
  • HishabPati's Verify Option: Your business data will be protected even if mobile, laptop or any other device is lost or damaged. Because, once you login to your business account through any other device with your previous mobile number, all previous data will be synced and updated. So it is very easy to maintain accuracy and uniformity of data in HishabPati.

03. Accounting apps make decision-making easier for 68% of users

68 percent of small business owners using accounting apps benefited from making their business decisions. Such information has emerged in a survey of the popular accounting software 'Quickbook' around the world. And that's normal, right? Decision making will be easier when you have accurate daily accounts of the business.
HishabPati app users are also getting this advantage in making informed decisions. In this case, not to mention some features of the HishabPati! For example:
Cost management feature of HishabPati: The HishabPati Expenses feature allows you to track the movement of business expenses. As a result, any decision can be taken considering the cost of running the business, as well as budgeting for the business can be done easily.
Parties Feature: Through this feature, you can see party-wise profit and loss of transactions. This means that the transaction picture can be understood according to the specific customer and supplier. As a result, it becomes easier to decide how to deal with which party. For example, a party may have to stop the transaction!
Reports Feature: Through the Reports feature, you can view the reports of any product or item and any party for different periods. It goes without saying that this feature will help you make business decisions!
Each Transaction Note: Transaction Notes The option may seem less important at first glance. But if used correctly, it can play a big role in the decision-making of small business owners. Because in the transaction note you can input important information regarding the transaction and party.

04. Customer satisfaction can be increased by up to 20%

Small business owners who use an accounting app for their online business can increase customer satisfaction by up to 20%. This information comes out in a study by the international market intelligence company 'Aberdeen Strategy and Research'.
Product stock updates are easy by keeping business accounts in HishabPati. Products can be purchased as per customer's order or demand. Besides, the quality of the product is maintained due to the expiry alert of the product.

05. It is possible to increase the profit of the business up to 15%

International market intelligence company 'Aberdeen Strategy and Research' also revealed that accounting in an accounting app can increase revenue by up to 15 percent in small businesses! You can get these same benefits by keeping your online business accounts in HishabPati App!

06. Provides a 360-degree view to small business owners

Running a business as dynamic as an online or e-commerce business requires many things to keep in mind. Accounting app users get all small business accounts and business-related data in one platform. As a result, you can get an overall picture (360-degree view) of the business from one of its platforms very easily. It helps a businessman to take any business-related decision. Small business people using the HishabPati app are also getting a complete picture of the business by keeping all their accounts and other business-related data on one platform.

07. It is possible to reduce the cost of running a business

Besides saving business management time, accounting apps also reduce costs! With a separate expense tracking feature, you will always know the reason for the expenses and avoid unnecessary expenses. This will directly reduce the daily costs of your business. Because if there is an expense account in front of the eyes, it will do it!
Moreover, the cost of keeping accounts in the accounting app is much lower than keeping accounts in a notebook or in a notebook! Not believing? HishabPati's subscription fee details must be believed!

HishabPati subscription fee starting from just BDT 99:

The hisaabpati app prioritizes affordability for small businessmen, offering two subscription terms – monthly and yearly – with three budget-friendly packages.

  • Basic Package:
    • The basic package is completely free!
    • Ideal for those in search of a free accounting app for mobile.
    • Suited for basic accounting needs.
  • Premium Package:
    • Monthly subscription: BDT 99.
    • Annual subscription discounted by 17%, costing only BDT 999.
    • Appeals to users seeking free accounting software in Bangladesh.
    • Offers enhanced features for comprehensive accounting.
  • Business Package:
    • Monthly subscription at only 199 BDT.
    • Annual subscription discounted by 17%, totaling 1990 BDT. per year.
    • Ideal for users with more extensive business accounting requirements.
    • A cost-effective solution for those seeking free accounting software.

Know about all features of packages today in details & choose your desired package. Download HishabPati app Free

Finally, I want to say-

Keep the digital business account in the digital ledger Book

If you are running an e-commerce or online business, you are essentially conducting a digital business. So, if your business is digital, why should its accounting be manual? For all small businesses, whether they are physical stores or virtual shops, all accounts should be managed using an accounting app!
When you run an online business, it is inherently more dynamic compared to offline businesses. Therefore, you need to choose an accounting app that meets all your needs. One such app is HishabPati, whose slogan is "The Digital Ledger for Accounts and Expenses."

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