Awesome Features

We have special features through which you can easily manage business accounts.

Unlimited Products

Get access to an unlimited number of products with our feature that allows you to browse, search, and add as many products as you want, without any restrictions or limitations.


Keep your business running smoothly with our party feature. You'll always have a clear picture of your supplier and customer details, including up-to-date balances and real-time profit/loss data.

Purchase & Sales

Buy and sell with confidence, knowing that our feature provides a secure and reliable way to transact with other buyers and sellers.


Generate and view different weekly, monthly and yearly reports. Group them by items, parties. Export them in PDF or Excel and share them easily.

Data storage

Never lose your data again. Even if you lose your phone, your data is always safe with HishabPati.

Invoice printing

Our platform's invoice printing feature ensures that your invoices are accurate and professional-looking every time, giving you more time to focus on growing your business.

Due calculation

Manual accounts receivable calculation is no longer required, as HishabPati are controlling it. Always be aware of what the customer owes and don't lose your money due to miscalculation.

Manage expenses

Our expense management feature makes it easy to track and organize your business expenses, so you can stay on top of your finances.