Super shop's POS Software is on mobile !

HishabPati: Super Shop's POS software is now on mobile!

The biggest challenge of operating a supermarket is tracking retail or grocery sales. At one time, tracking transactions through cash registers was popular and the only method in supermarkets. Currently, this task is done more easily and accurately through the supermarket's POS software. Whether it's a small, large, or medium-sized supermarket, using POS software to track retail or grocery sales has become indispensable!

To use POS software, you need hardware such as computers, POS machines, and printers. The POS software collects data, including product prices, through a POS machine or barcode scanner. Shop owners often spend a lot of money on purchasing these devices and paying for software usage charges. Here, the HishabPati app can be a simple and cost-effective solution!

This blog contains-

What is a POS system and POS software?

The full form of POS is Point of Sale. And a POS System is a means of completing transactions or dealings with customers. A POS System is a system managed by a combination of hardware and software. What used to be managed through cash registers is now managed through POS terminals. In simple terms, the point where customer transactions or sales are completed is called the Point of Sale or POS.

Name of Pos Software: 

From a practical standpoint, the POS system is presented in various ways and with different names. For example, POS system, POS terminal, POS software, POS software, POS software, POS machine, etc. Regardless of the name used, all of these refer to the supermarket's POS software or system.
So, it is understood that through the use of POS software (POS Software) on one or more hardware or devices, the entire POS system is managed. However, over time, the use of supermarket POS software is not limited to just managing sales or transactions.

POS software and its multifaceted use: 

The use of POS software facilitates various essential tasks in shop management, such as inventory management, customer and supplier management, collection of marketing data, recording customer purchasing patterns or buying trends, and accurate pricing of products, among others.
As a supermarket POS software, 'HishabPati' is precisely such a multifaceted application that encompasses all modern features or conveniences of business management alongside the POS system.

Why is POS software essential for supermarkets?

We all know that a supermarket cannot be managed like a grocery store. Regardless of whether it is a large, medium, or small supermarket, managing it requires attention to many aspects. Running a supermarket involves more than just keeping track of buying and selling products, profits and losses, and income and expenses.
Here, customer support or service plays a crucial role in determining the future of the business. Therefore, a modern sales management system like POS software is essential for a supermarket. The reality is that, in the current times, supermarkets cannot manage their business effectively without POS software.

  • Accurate Sales or Transactions Tracking:

Both retail and grocery sales transactions can be accurately accounted for and recorded by the supermarket's POS software. While these tasks can be performed by shop employees, the likelihood of human error is higher. Therefore, now supermarket employees are being equipped with POS systems.

  • Automated Inventory Management Facility:

POS software automates inventory management. With a good POS software, you can accurately track stock levels and product expiration dates. This makes inventory management and product handling in a supermarket much easier.

  • Increasing Shop Management Skills:

When automated inventory management and accurate sales tracking are in place, the proficiency of supermarket management increases several times. Employees can easily access detailed information about products and provide special services to customers based on their data. As a result, generating up-sell and cross-sell becomes much easier.

  • Real-Time Data:

Real time data can be ensured on POS Software.. With just a few clicks, you can view the inventory of any product in the shop and details of any customer. If there are multiple users, everyone can access the supermarket's accounts from anywhere.

  • Saves Time in Business Management:

There's no alternative to supermarket POS software when it comes to saving time in business management. What would typically take up one-third of the time at a cash register or writing bills can be done in nearly a third of the time using POS software. Moreover, it's done accurately. This saves time in managing the business, allowing you to invest this time in business growth.

  • Convenience of Generating Invoices or Bills:

Invoices or bills are fundamental documents in business. Generating these essential documents is one of the primary functions of supermarket POS software! Therefore, POS software is among the primary requirements for supermarkets.

  • Data Security on Cloud Servers:

Using POS software ensures data security, as all the information or data of the supermarket is saved on cloud servers. As a result, you can access or view the data from anywhere, even from outside the country.

  • Barcode Scanners Save Customers' Time:

Supermarket POS software not only saves time for shop owners but also for customers. Because sales processes can be completed very quickly with the help of barcode scanners.

  • Multiple Payment Options:

Currently, supermarket POS software often includes multiple payment options. This allows customers to choose their preferred payment method.

  • Freedom from Pricing Complexity:

In any supermarket, complexities in pricing or price determination arise due to VAT, taxes, discounts, etc. Using POS software in a supermarket helps eliminate these complexities.

POS software for small businesses is now available on mobile!

The HishabPati app includes barcode scanning technology. Simply scan a barcode using your mobile or smartphone camera, and you'll get the benefits of a POS software! For small businesses, HishabPati can be an excellent solution for POS software needs.

Mobile POS Software ”HishabPati”:

With the app installed on your mobile, you can use it as mobile POS software. You can scan product barcodes using your mobile camera and record transactions in the HishabPati app with that information. That's why HishabPati is not only suitable as mobile POS software for large and medium businesses but also provides an easy and cost-effective solution for small businesses.

HishbaPati more than a POS Software !

HishabPati is an accounting software, but its usage is multifaceted due to providing all services for business management. Therefore, at Super Shops, you can find all the conveniences like customer retail or wholesale transactions, inventory management, and employee management in the mobile POS software 'HishabPati.'
HishabPati has some great feature. As -

  • Multiple User Support:

You will have multiple user support on HishabPati App.. If your business grows or if you want to manage a supermarket, it becomes nearly impossible for one person to handle everything. With the HishabPati app, you can add users or staff members as managers or salespeople as needed. This will make managing your business much easier.

  • Usable on Web or Mobile:

The app can be comfortably used on both web and mobile platforms. This means you can track your business accounts or transactions from anywhere. HishabPati services are available on laptops, computers, tablets, mobile phones, and across both Android and iOS versions.

  • POS Software in Bengali:

Providing documents to customers in Bengali is an essential aspect in the context of Bangladesh since people generally feel more comfortable with the Bengali language. In HishabPati, you can get invoices, reports, bills, etc., in both simple Bengali and English languages.

  • Offline Capability:

The app works in both online and offline modes. Its auto-sync feature ensures that even if you're temporarily offline, all data will be synced and saved to the server as soon as you go online again.

  • Unlimited Product and Party Add Feature:

One of the most essential features of the Super Shop POS software is the ability to add products and parties (suppliers) accurately. Since super shops deal with numerous products and suppliers, the HishabPati app provides the convenience of adding an unlimited number of products and parties.

  • Stock Alert for Products:

Managing the stock of hundreds of products in a super shop accurately is quite challenging. However, by using the HishabPati app, you can receive alerts for low stock levels of products, helping you stay updated and manage your inventory efficiently.

  • VAT and Tax Inclusion:

Every transaction in HishabPati includes the option to add VAT and taxes, which is crucial for Super Shop POS software.

  • Discount and Delivery Charge Addition:

Discounts on products and delivery charges are common in super shops nowadays. Therefore, having the option to add discounts and delivery charges in the Super Shop POS software is essential. With HishabPati, you can easily add discounts and delivery charges to transactions.

  • Convenience of Using Thermal Printer and Regular Printer:

HishabPati allows you to generate bills by connecting both thermal printers and regular printers.

  • Professional Invoice Generator:

In HishabPati, you will find the convenience of generating detailed, colorful, and customized invoices. You can select from ready templates and customize invoices, bills, or receipts. Additionally, HishabPati offers the facility to create invoices in Bangla.

How much its cost for using Super shop's POS Software?

To obtain Super Shop's POS software, various establishments currently provide support at the following costs, as found by searching their websites:

  • Monthly charge: minimum 1000 BDT to 5000 BDT
  • Annual charge: minimum 10,000 BDT to 25,000 BDT
  • Additional charges may apply for hardware costs and maintenance.

How much it cost on HishabPati?

Let's look at the subscription fee for the HishabPati app for getting mobile POS software for a supermarket. To access POS features in the HishabPati app, you need to subscribe to the Business Package. Here’s what you get with this package:

  • Product and party management
  • Expense management
  • Transaction
  • Offline Mode
  • Sync across multiple devices
  • SMS (200 messages)
  • Reports
  • Invoice Printing
  • Inventory management
  • Delivery charges
  • Thermal printing
  • Multi-user support
  • Support for multiple businesses

To get all these features, you only need to pay just 199 Taka per month! Yes, you read that right—just 199 Taka allows you to use POS software for your supermarket on your mobile. So, why wait? Download HishabPati app now & use pos software on mobile..

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