Know the Tactics, Rules, and Ways to Increase Sales

বিক্রয় বৃদ্ধির কৌশল, নিয়ম এবং উপায় গুলো জেনে রাখুন

No matter what business you are doing, you need to sell at least something. Let that be some product, service, or valuable and helpful information. You need to find out the target customer for your business and sell your business’s product, service, or information to them. Only selling won’t work, you also need to increase sales for the profitability and survival of the business. But how?

Yes, we’ll answer that question here. Know the tactics, rules, and ways to increase sales in detail from our article.

Some Ways to Increase Sales

Let’s get directly involved in our discussion and see the strategies, rules, and ways to increase sales at a glance:

1. Discuss with Sales Division, Team, or Representatives and Your Company’s Other Members
2. Develop a Strong Planning for the Marketing Campaign
3. Increase the Number of Potential Customers
4. Build Powerful Relationships with Your New and Existing Customers
5. Highlight Client Benefits
6. Present Your Product or Service in an Effective Way
7. Invest in Your Development
8. Make an Integration between Sales and Marketing
9. Give Sales Commission or Incentives
10. Concentrate on Sales Velocity
11. Concentrate on Time Management
12. Concentrate on Top Customers
13. Find New Customers
14. Determine Which is the Top Buying Territory
15. Consider Working with a Sales Outsourcing Company

Let’s discuss each rule or way now.

1. Discuss with Sales Division, Team, or Representatives and Your Company’s Other Members

Discuss with your sales division, team, or representatives the ways to increase sales. Again, many people get confused with these two terms- sales and revenue. Generally, sales measure how many products you have sold or how many customers you have sold your service to. And revenue means the money you earn by selling your product or service.
Again, revenue is also called profit. Once the concept is clear, your sales department will be able to plan different strategies to increase sales according to the needs of the company. You should discuss in advance whether you will depend on the internal division or team or an external team or will work with an outsourcing company for sales.

Some important considering factors are as follows:

Getting more customers:

Attracting more new customers can sometimes increase sales. Thus, your business will be able to get more money.

Increasing the average transaction size:

Getting new clients is good. But your existing clients buying more of your products or services is one of the most suitable ways to increase sales. The more your available customers will buy your products or services, the more your business’s revenue income will increase.

Inspiring for more transactions:

Loyal customers are quite vital for a business. That’s why you need to notice that old customers are buying in larger quantities from you. You need to provide improved customer service and present an overall excellent experience so that their loyalty increases.

Considering the price:

When you will research your competitors, then also research well on how the prices of similar products like yours are. Decide whether you will keep the price of your product or service higher or lower. Sometimes, keeping lower prices will increase sales because people always love to save some money. Again, keeping higher prices will increase your revenue but that doesn’t mean that your sales will also increase.

Consider your product or service’s qualities and drawbacks and also how it is better than your competitors’ products or services. Think about your business’s goal too. Decide how you will price your product or service after considering all things carefully.

Considering other costs:

Consider how the business will make a profit after considering the price. You need to consider all things together like how much it costs to manufacture the product or service, raw materials costs, and the cost of running the business for this. You can determine the break-even point where you will have neither profit nor loss using these data. It will be helpful to set the price.

Setting Clear Goal:

You should fix a clear goal for the business. Set the goal considering in which direction you want to take your business. Making a profit is the goal of any start-up. If the business attains that goal, then its goal will be to increase sales and revenue and thus increase your company’s growth.

Understand your product or service well:

You and your business and each member need to know well the product or service’s all features, benefits, disadvantages, and how your product or service is better than your competitors’ before selling it. If you don’t know well what you are selling, then how you will sell the product to your customers. You need to provide proper training to your sales representatives for this and give branding materials such as business cards, branded clothes, flyers, and the like.

Know and understand your customers well:

You need to understand your customers well. It means you need to understand well their needs, preferences, disliking, age, occupations, where they live, their problems, how you will solve their problems, and the like. You have to prepare a buyer persona, which is a half-imaginary image for this. Your sales team or division and the whole business should keep the customers first.

Identify the potential barriers:

Identify the potential barriers for your business that will help you to avoid future risks for the business and take necessary measures according to that.

Discuss the potential sales objections:

Discuss the potential sales objections with your sales representatives. This will enhance their confidence and help to handle the situation excellently. Some probable objections are: “Your product or service is too costly.” Or “What can you give us more? Or You can’t meet our requirements.” Or “I don’t like to change now.”

2. Develop a Strong Planning for Marketing Campaigns

If you want to grow your business, you need to have strong planning for marketing campaigns. It includes many tasks pre and post-campaign. You need to consider the following things properly:

Product Development:

Your business or its sales team needs to research the market for this. For example, what your target audiences are liking? What features will make the product beneficial for them? Why do customers buy products similar to yours and what do you need to offer more to compete with them? Collect all these data and include some necessary features to your product or remove some unnecessary features, and make your product or service more attractive, useful, and affordable.


Many options are available to distribute your product. For example, you can sell your product through retailers, direct sell through online stores, or hire some external sales service provider i.e. work with any sales outsourcing company.


Many options are available in front of you for promotion, for example, newspaper, radio, and television ads, promotion in events, social media, and internal tasks of your store or business following the traditional advertising procedure. You can arrange for some competition, coupons, and special discounts. You will spend on advertisements, campaigns, and public relations considering your business budget.

Marketing Metrics Analysis:

You use different media and ways for your business promotion. Now, you can use different marketing metrics to determine which media or ways are working well. You can use some CRM or customer relationship management to track various marketing metrics like reach, engagement rate, conversion rate, return on investment or ROI, and the like. Some of these systems will give you a detailed report on these metrics using which you can understand which campaign is showing what type of results and decide which one is more effective to enhance sales.

Strong and Consistent Content Strategy Development:

You run your business promotion on different media but that doesn’t mean you will prepare a different content strategy for each medium. You and your business employees know well what the strengths of your business are, and you need to highlight those strengths well in your different content or messages. Maintain consistency among the messages on various media. Prepare such content that will be helpful and attractive for your customers and if you can include call-to-action matching with it, your sales will increase.

3. Increase the Number of Potential Customers

You can follow the below-mentioned strategies to increase the number of potential customers:

  • Identify your prospects clearly by preparing the above-mentioned buyer or customer persona.
  •  Identify the problem you want to solve.
  • Try to attract through various packages, discounts, free offers, and the like.
  • Prepare a file collecting the contact numbers and email IDs of your prospects and try calling at least 100 of them daily or emailing them.
  • Audit your content and see whether it requires any editing matching your business goals and increasing sales, and edit them if needed.
  • Utilize your business’s social media profile properly.
  •  Consider whether your customers can be on which social media and run ads on those media such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. Run ads on Google. You can run different tests to check the effectiveness of the test.
  • Try doing something new and unique that none of your competitors are doing.
  • Include a call-to-action button on your website.

4. Build Powerful Relationships with Your New and Existing Customers

Strengthen your relationship with your new and available customers by following the below-mentioned ways:

  •  Acknowledge the behavior or attitude of your present customers. Research deeply your customers for this. You can make changes to your products or improve them based on their experience and suggestions.
  • Ask your customers for suggestions.
  • Utilize social media properly.
  • Inform your customers beforehand about different internal information such as special offers, special gifts, free offers, and the like.
  • Maintain the relationship by contacting often.
  • Arrange for a referral program where customers will refer your service or product to their known ones and get some gifts or some special benefits for doing so.
  • Provide awesome customer service.

5. Highlight Client Benefits

Highlighting the benefits that your customers will get from your product or service and through this attracting them to the product or service is a good way of increasing sales.

6. Present Your Product or Service in an Effective Way

You can try the following ways to present your product in an effective way:

  •   Build your competitive benefit. It means providing some benefits that your competitors don’t.
  • Set the right price.
  • Ensure that your message is clear.
  • Market your product’s content on different media or channels and social media.

7. Invest in Your Development

If you invest in your development, it will eventually help to increase the sales of your business. You can take the following steps:

  • Participate in various training programs.
  • Learn how to make decisions after negotiation. Because you will have to decrease a bit of the price or give some extra benefits after negotiating with your customer at a phase of your sales attempt. This quality will also help you to increase sales.
  • Develop a prospective strategy because a unique way to increase your sales is to find out your prospects or potential customers and encourage them to buy your product or service. 

8. Make an Integration between Sales and Marketing

If you can make an integration between your sales and marketing processes or departments or teams, you can enhance sales. This integration between sales and marketing can generate new leads or strategies that will help your sales representatives to sell more of your products.

9. Give Sales Commission or Incentives

You can inspire your sales representatives by providing certain special benefits, commissions, or incentives. You can try these ways:

  • You can inspire your sales representatives by giving gift cards to any restaurant, shopping center, or service.
  • You can give tickets to some events to the sales representatives.
  • Try giving some office furniture like a nice desk, chair, or another appliance like a coffee maker, microwave oven, fridge, and the like to your sales team or division.

10. Concentrate on Sales Velocity

Sales velocity is a number that measures how frequently your business earns money. In other words, it measures how quickly a lead converts into a buyer. The more quickly you can sell, the more quickly you can earn money.

11. Concentrate on Time Management

Concentrate on time management because the tasks that are not directly related to sales such as filing necessary papers and documents and research work, don’t directly help in sales but the data help to increase sales. You should keep a separate time for these tasks. It will be wiser if you assign these tasks to sales assistants instead of assigning them to a sales representative. Then the sales representatives can concentrate only on increasing sales.

12. Concentrate on Top Customerss

Negotiate with your top customers who continuously buy products from you and insist they buy in larger quantities. You can prepare separate campaigns for your top customers. Thus your sales can increase.

13. Find New Customers

Increasing the range of your target customers i.e. finding new customers can be another way to increase sales. You can follow the below-mentioned strategies for this:

  • You can call other people other than your target customers and ask about their interest in your product or service.
  • Consider making ads targeting people in your surroundings to see whether you get any new clients.
  • You can research other areas besides your area to check whether you can get any new clients.

14. Determine Which is the Top Buying Territory

Find out which is the top buying territory by using marketing metrics. Give more time and effort to prepare marketing strategies for selling products in those areas after determining the top buying territory so that sales increase more. Or you can appoint your best sales representatives there for selling.

15. Consider Working with a Sales Outsourcing Company

You can work with some sales outsourcing companies. This will offer you the following benefits:

  • It will increase your business’s sales and revenue at low costs.
  • They have more skills for selling.
  • Response frequently to the market.
  •  Can get new customers.
  • You can concentrate well on the business’s main tasks.

They have improved their skills for gaining customer satisfaction and customer retention.

Ways to Increase Sales Online

Let’s know some strategies to increase sales of your online business or store now:

1. Identify your target audience.
2. Know better about your customers.
3. Select the market for your products.
4. Sell by developing a nice relationship.
5. Utilize the power of the web.
6. Publish quality and helpful content.
7. Generate a necessity.
8. Encourage cross-selling i.e. insisting on buying another relevant product with a product or upselling i.e. insisting on buying a better or upgraded version of a product.
9. Apply quality images and videos.
10. Improve SEO or search engine optimization of your page.
11. Utilize social media to the fullest.
12. Include a helpful CTA button.
13. Must avoid some dangerous mistakes like:

  • Selling without knowing about your customers.
  • Ignoring small orders.
  • Avoiding unsatisfied customers.
  • Using the same, old techniques time and again.
  • Don’t take enough sales training.

Final Words:

So, know the tactics, rules, and ways to increase sales from this detailed article and apply these properly in your business. Thus, take your business to a new height of success. And to run your business successfully keep all the business accounts completely automatically and flawlessly with the HishabPati app.

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