New Business Ideas in Bangladesh 2023 - The Ultimate List

New Business Ideas in Bangladesh 2023 - The Ultimate List

Don’t you love to be your boss? Of course, yes. Then get some fresh business ideas, choose the best from them that best suits your expertise, and start your business. But are you overwhelmed with too many ideas and unsure which one to consider? Go through this article to get the new business ideas in Bangladesh 2023- the ultimate list.

The Way to Generate Business Ideas

You can easily generate business ideas by identifying problems. Each problem can generate a probable business opportunity when you have the capability to solve the problem through business. When you want to start a business in Bangladesh, first, recognize the chief problems of this country and try addressing them through your business model.

Getting business ideas won’t be difficult. Difficult is the execution. You know well that you will have plenty of business ideas only by searching on Google. But when you are not able to execute your business idea, you can’t earn anything out of it. 

Mainly, the business can be of two types: profit-generating, and non-profit. You always need to bear in mind that a non-profitable business can’t be sustainable. That’s why please don’t get interested in getting involved in non-profit or social companies.

Small Business Ideas in Bangladesh with Low Investment

Your investment is low, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start any kind of business. It’s possible for sure. You will get the top small profitable business ideas in Bangladesh from this list:

  1. Coffee Shop
  2. Fast Food Corner/Small Restaurant
  3. Cosmetics Shop
  4. Stationery Shop
  5. Toy Shop
  6. Fashion House
  7. Mother and Baby’s Products’ Shop
  8. Photography Business
  9. Furniture Shop
  10. Juice Bar

Let’s discuss these business ideas.

1. Coffee Shop

In our country, the popularity of coffee is increasing day by day. Whether you are at a business meeting, hanging out with friends, or simply feeling tired, coffee has become a popular choice in all of these places. This growing preference for coffee is a reflection of globalization. In this scenario, a coffee shop can be a suitable business idea.

 Find the most appropriate location for the coffee shop such as near parks or offices or residential areas, inside shopping malls, or close to colleges or universities where you have no good competitors. Especially in the capital Dhaka, coffee is more popular.
Coffee has different varieties such as Americano, black, Cappuccino, Doppio, Espresso, cortado, Latte, lungo, red-eye, and the like. If you are able to come up with different varieties, you can attract customers easily. When you are an outstanding coffee-maker and can take a small place on rent, you can surely try your luck in this business..
The environment is a crucial factor. You will prefer to have your coffee in a calm, and soothing environment. Just arrange some chairs and tables for your customers, that’s enough.

Required Skills: Coffee preparation skills (If you already have, you are golden. Or learn it swiftly)

Approximate Investment: BDT 1.5 lacs to 2 lacs for a small coffee shop.

Approximate monthly profit: BDT 40 thousand to 50 thousand per month.

2. Fast Food Corner/ Small Restaurant

You can start either a fast food corner or a small restaurant or a mixture of both. This sort of business is almost always a good one because the people of this country are foodies. Whether any occasion, celebration, or festival, food is the main point of attraction.
The young generation loves to hang out with friends and try different tastes to fulfill their enjoyment. Again, middle-class people love to have food outside occasionally. Fast food and different varieties of rich food and snacks like pizza, burgers, biryani, fried rice, chicken fry, and the like are quite popular in big cities like Dhaka, and Chittagong.
If you can serve great taste and quality service, you are able to earn profit in this business easily. Choose a suitable location like office areas, residential areas, or near colleges and varsities where people can easily reach.
A nice ambiance is also essential for a good fast food corner/restaurant. If you are offering tasty food but your ambiance is not up to the mark, your business won’t perform well. So, you need to decorate your fast food shop/small restaurant in a classy way so that customers get attracted to it.

Requirements: Good chef for tasty foods, and nice ambiance and location.

Approximate Investment: BDT 2 to 3 lacs.

Approximate profit: BDT 50,000 to 1 lac.

3. Cosmetics Shop:

Almost all girls love cosmetics especially, urban girls. Again, Bangladesh is a densely populated country. If you can target your exact audience in an appropriate way, you can make a good profit. That’s why this business idea is getting extremely popular in Bangladesh nowadays, especially among girls. You don’t need to have a huge investment for this business, just buy quality cosmetics from a reliable company, and try to sell those to your target customers. Cosmetics are quite sensitive things because girls apply them on their skins, hair, and lips. So, quality is a must here. You have the option to buy both local and international brands. Obviously, international brands will cost you more but have high demand among urban girls. Again, you don’t need any location because you can start your business online. You can sell the products just by opening a Facebook page and getting engaged with your customers through posts, and messenger. The best way is you go live with your products and explain the merits and demerits to your audience. People will comment on your live video and will order products there.

Required Skills: Extrovert, beautiful girls with good sales skills can do well.

Approximate Investment: BDT 1 lac.

Approximate profit: You can have the possibility to earn around 50% profit i.e. if your investment is BDT 1 lac, you can earn a profit of BDT 50,000.

4. Stationery Shop

You can also start your stationary shop and earn money. This business is almost always profitable because students need stationery items all year round. Not only students but also schools, colleges, universities, different institutions, and offices also need stationery goods. So, running this business in this country is a profitable idea. This business faced a little loss during the pandemic but now the business is coming back to its form. When your investment is low, this will be a profitable idea for you. Start this business locally, and choose an area adjacent to a school, college, university, or residential area for the shop.

Requirements: A suitable location and ability to run a shop and sell things.

Approximate Investment: BDT 2 to 3 lacs.

Approximate profit: 25% to 35%

5. Toy Shop

Toy shops can be a moderately profitable business in Bangladesh. Our country didn’t have any toy industry before 2010. Mostly, the toys come from China. China can Produce a large scale of toys at quite an affordable rate. Now, our country is producing certain types of toys and this industry takes a large portion of the local market. As your investment is low, consider buying toys from the wholesale markets of Dhaka and Chittagong because from there you can buy the toys at a cheaper rate. Again, you also have the option to import toys from China on a large scale because then your average price can be moderate, and you will enjoy a higher profit margin. Research the market in an exact manner before you completely delve into the business. Here, your target customers are children. So, consider their preferences. Nowadays, children don’t prefer outdated toys, rather they like the latest and uncommon toys that you can get at an affordable rate. Choose a location from where the parents can easily get the desired toys for their children easily. Decorate the store aesthetically so that people get attracted to your shop.

Required Skills: Knowledge regarding product import and market research.

Approximate Investment: BDT 1 to 2 lacs

Approximate profit: 23.3% to 25.9% per toy

6. Fashion House

Fashion is not only making a difference but also showing the difference. People are followers of the latest fashion trends. That’s why fashion houses have always been a popular business idea and the fashion houses in our country are doing quite well. You will see various fashion houses in your locality and they are making good business. If you are thinking of a physical fashion house choose a suitable location like residential areas, commercial areas, and the like. Again, you don’t always need a location because your investment is low, consider running an online fashion house. Just open a Facebook page, and promote your business through boosting. Communicate with your clients through regular posts, and messenger. Your customers will order online through messenger, and they can also contact you on your given contact number on social media. Just arrange for a delivery person and make arrangements of payment through merchant banking such as Bkash, Nagad, Rocket, and the like. The most important thing is to research the market well and develop a business plan before starting your business. Exact market research, a proper business plan, and the right execution of that plan can get you the desired success.

Required Skills: Design skills and good ability to communicate with people on Facebook.

Approximate Investment: BDT 1 lac.

Approximate profit: 18% to 30%

7. Mother and Baby’s Products’ Shop

Mother and Baby’s Products’ shop has gained quite a popularity in recent years. But this idea won’t be an easy one for you. You need to have exact market research before starting. Because you need to understand your target customers i.e. mothers and babies. Here, the products are quite sensitive. Choose a nice location in a residential area or close to hospitals because this will be the most suitable location for this business. Collect quality products for both mothers and babies. Decorate the shop in a pleasant way so that you can easily attract customers.

Required Skills: Market research and knowledge of target customer needs.

Approximate Investment: BDT 2 to 3 lacs.

Approximate profit: 40%

8. Photography Business

In a densely populated country like ours where people love to take pictures on different occasions, a photography business can be an awesome business idea, of course, if you are passionate about photography. If you already have a DSLR camera, you are golden. Otherwise, a DSLR camera will cost you less than BDT 1 lac in Bangladesh. So, within this investment, you can start the business. If you have good networking skills, you can easily get photography offers from your friends, family, and colleagues to cover their special events. You can smoothly promote your business on your social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and the like. You just need to regularly post photos and posts to showcase your photography skills. You can also solely concentrate on wedding photography. Otherwise, covering different types of events can make your source of income diversified.

Required Skills: Photography skills.

Approximate Investment: BDT 1 lac.

Approximate profit: BDT 50,000 per month.

9. Furniture Shop

Furniture, mainly wooden furniture, have a good demand in Bangladesh because in houses, furnished apartments, outlets, offices, or any other institutions or organizations you need furniture. So, furniture shops can be a profitable business idea here. You need to research the market well, find out the weaknesses of your competitors, and try to fill up that gap with your unique and customized design. If you are able to make furniture, that will be a plus point, but if you can’t you need to have at least good taste and knowledge about furniture.

Required Skills: Market research and good taste and knowledge about furniture.

Approximate Investment: BDT 5 to10 lac.

Approximate profit: 40% TO 60%

10. Juice Bar

Nowadays, juice bars have become a quite popular business idea in Bangladesh. Because this country is a tropical one and people love to have juice. Especially, in hot summer weather, a glass of juice will quench your thirst and also give you a soothing feeling. If you make juices from various fruits, your juice bar will become popular. You need to have special items that will make your juice bar different from others. If you have different types of juice with some special types, customers will come to your juice shop from distant places. You can start your juice bar in a small space. Just find a suitable location and environment for your shop. This business is ideal to start with a small investment because you will spend most of the investment on buying blending machines, and packaging materials. Use one-time-use glasses to deliver juices and keep the environment good, and juice serving style cool because your target customers will be elite and middle-class people.

Requirements: A suitable location, well-designed and environment-friendly glasses, and juice preparation instruments.

Approximate Investment: BDT 3 to 5 lacs.

Approximate profit: More than BDT 1 lac.

These are some low-investment business ideas in Bangladesh. Now, you must have got your answers to the questions like what are some unique business ideas in Bangladesh? or which business is most profitable in Bangladesh?

Final Words:

Just start your business with one of the most suitable ideas mentioned here and work hard to make it successful. And you can use the HishabPati app to keep all your business accounts automatically and flawlessly without any worries. Our best wishes are with you in your new journey.

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