Shop management software on your mobile!

Shop management software on your mobile!

In the digital age, there is no alternative to using a comprehensive shop management software for managing a store. Daily accounts, outstanding balance management, income and expense tracking, inventory management, invoice or bill generation, and more can all be handled through software! So why rely on pen and paper and manual record-keeping? Shop management software ensures 100% accurate bookkeeping while saving time and costs.

Currently super shop's POS software's facilities can be achieved in one app. Then why use multiple apps for managing a business? HishabPati Such an accounting software in Bangladesh can provide a complete solution for managing your business. Plus, the HishabPati app can be managed through your mobile phone! So today’s discussion will focus on -

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Shop management software, what is it and why is it necessary?

A Shop Management System is a comprehensive system that integrates various important features or services to facilitate business management or make business operations easier. This system is built using one or more software and hardware components (Shop Management Software).
So, in simple terms, shop management software is a digital solution for business management. It helps in providing customer services through various management-related services and also assists the owner in daily business accounting, income and expense tracking, debt management, profit and loss calculations, etc.

  • Why required?

Running a shop or business involves more than just keeping track of financial transactions. Alongside financial management, various other types of services are necessary for effective business management, such as:

  • Simplifying business management.
  • Acquiring necessary and contemporary skills for business management.
  • Automating or making business management more autonomous.
  • Gathering marketing data from customers.
  • Ensuring the security of business information or data.
  • Cloud server support, etc.

Various types of business-related services make business management easier and help advance modern business operations. This is where shop management software plays a crucial role. Most of the time, these software solutions utilize contemporary technologies for business management, allowing you to seamlessly integrate with automatic digital technology. One such simple and cost-effective accounting software is: HishabPati.

What services will you get from shop management software?

A comprehensive software can impact almost every sector of your business. From daily transactions to customer and supplier management, it is essential in all aspects. Each shop management software or app typically provides the following services -

  • Accurate Transaction Management:

Accurate accounting of any financial transactions such as purchases, sales, income, expenses, profits, and losses is the primary and fundamental task of shop management software. These tasks used to be done manually, which can now be done accurately and in less time through shop management software.

  • Multiple Payment Options:

Shop management software offers multiple payment options for the convenience of customers. This allows customers the freedom to pay bills in cash, credit, or through card payments.

  • Stock/Inventory Management:

Stock or inventory management is a crucial task for any business. An app can easily and automatically handle the inventory of products, track stock levels, and monitor product expiration dates.

  • Invoice or Bill Generator:

Generating invoices or bills for every financial transaction with customers and suppliers is another primary service of shop management software. This is considered fundamental for any business, as invoicing or billing is seen as the cornerstone of any business transaction. Therefore, shop management software is often referred to as billing software.

  • Various Business Reports:

Through shop management software, you can generate reports for various aspects of your business, including product sales, inventory, and different periods. These reports help you analyze various aspects of your business and make informed decisions for the future.

  • Debt Management:

Business often involves dealing with cash and credit! Just as shop management software keeps track of cash transactions, it also manages credit or debt transactions in business.

  • Business Data Security:

Another major reason for using shop management software is data security. Shop management software takes the responsibility of digitally storing all your business data through cloud services. Therefore, shop management software is often referred to as cloud-based accounting tools.

  • Time-saving in Business Management:

Another important service is time-saving. Previously, you had to spend separate time to keep accounts either by writing manually or using spreadsheets. By using shop management software, you can input all your business data instantly with just a few clicks or taps.

  • Real-time or Instant Data:

You will be able to access your business data from anywhere, anytime. Whether at home or the office, within the country or abroad, these won't be obstacles to managing your business. The app will provide real-time data access.

The biggest service of shop management software or apps is that they provide all the services of business management on a single platform. It means a single platform provides all the services required for running a business.

Shop Management Software on Mobile

Until some time ago, Shop Management System meant coordinating various large devices like computers, laptops, calculators, monitors, barcode scanner machines, etc. Now, Shop Management Software works on your mobile or smartphone. It means you can manage your entire business on your mobile device if you wish.
If you want to access all these benefits directly from your mobile, you should use HishabPati, the accounting app that keeps your business records on your mobile. HishabPati is the only comprehensive accounting app in Bangladesh.

  • You can comfortably use the app on any device such as mobile phones, laptops, computers, tablets, etc.
  • HishabPati app is designed to cater to almost all business management services in a mobile-centric manner.

HishabPati is the best shop management software in Bangladesh

HishabPati app includes all the services and features necessary for a shop management software. Therefore, it can also be used as a POS software for supermarkets. You will find all the services mentioned in the shop management software in the HishabPati app. Let's explore why and how HishabPati is the best accounting software in Bangladesh.

How easy is using HishabPati?

As a shop management software, HishabPati is the easiest app in Bangladesh. Because the app is specially designed for general large, medium, and small businesses in Bangladesh. Therefore, HishabPati includes:

  • Easy Bangla and English language support.
  • Ability to work offline.
  • Simple and stable interface.
  • No need for any training to use.
  • Convenience of doing all tasks on mobile.
  • Separate versions for web and mobile.
  • Separate versions for Android and iOS.

As a shop management software, is HishabPati incredibly Economical ?

If you search the websites of all the companies providing shop management support in Bangladesh, you will see the cost overview -

  • The charge for shop management software ranges from a minimum of 1000 BDT to 5000 BDT per month.
  • The charge for shop management software per year ranges from a minimum of 10,000 BDT to 25,000 BDT.
  • Additionally, there are costs for hardware and their maintenance.

On the other hand, to access all the services and features of HishabPati, you only need to spend just 199 Taka per month. With the Business Package subscription, you'll get all the services and features of HishabPati.

In this monthly package of 199 taka, you are getting:

  • Product and party management
  • Expense management
  • Transaction
  • Offline Mode
  • Sync across multiple devices
  • SMS (200 messages)
  • Reports
  • Invoice Printing
  • Inventory management
  • Delivery charges
  • Thermal printing
  • Multi-user support
  • Support for multiple businesses

Additionally, the subscription fee for HishabPati is determined on a monthly and yearly basis and is divided into three convenient packages:

01. Basic Package: The basic package is completely free!
02. Premium Package: The monthly subscription fee for the premium package is just BDT.99. And there's a 17% discount on annual subscriptions! It will cost only 999 taka in a year!
03. Business Package: The monthly subscription fee of Business Package is only 199 taka! And there is a 17% discount on the annual subscription, just like the premium! So the cost is only 1990 taka in a year!

Know about all features of packages and choose your desired package. Best bookkeeping app of the country is free for Download . Install it & operate business from your mobile. Because, shop management software now on your mobile.

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