Why HishabPati is your next ledger book

Why Keep The Business Account in the HishabPati App

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A business definitely requires physical and mental effort. As the saying goes, it takes a lot of work to manage a small business! It is a natural desire that all that labor should be used in the growth of the business and that the business should bring in the desired profits. But if this labor of yours is not conducted in the right and timely way, then it can turn into vain labor! Suppose, for managing your business accounts, you use one or more ledgers. In one ledger, you write down your business income and expenses daily. You keep the contact numbers of your business customers and suppliers in another ledger. And you use another ledger to record due. If this is the situation of managing your business accounts, then it can be said that...

Much of your labor is turning into vain labor!

Because, in this age of information technology, digital ledger is supposed to make the task of managing a small or medium business easier. Where data from any business transaction to debt can be inputted very easily and in less time.

General records may be lost, destroyed. But there is no fear of losing business data in a digital ledger. As a result, you get extra time and extra security, which will play an important role in the development of your business.

What is an accounting application or digital ledger?

You are running a business which means you have to keep various business accounts every day. This is what we call business accounting or bookkeeping. Where the various financial transactions of the business are recorded or stored. Handwritten notebooks or diaries, scraps of paper or notebooks, computer or cloud-based spreadsheets, etc. have been widely used for this task since long ago and are still being used today! 

Now, modern accounting software or applications have replaced the earlier handwritten records. These accounting software or applications can be easily used on mobiles and computers. You will get all the services of your business including income and expenditure, deposits, dues, debts, contact numbers of customers and suppliers, invoice print in one mobile app. Best of all, all your business accounts can be stored and controlled from a single platform! And that's the magic of modern accounting apps!

So now as a small business owner should you choose one of the best modern accounting apps? Or will you still be in the tall list of ancient periods? Of course you will move forward with time. And choose an accounting application that is right for your business today!

Looking for a simple yet effective app for small businesses!

If you search online, you will find several accounting software or applications. But choosing the best app from them is the primary challenge. In this case, you can select the app keeping several things in mind.

Select the app based on the following factors

  • Can the app be used in both mobile and web versions?
  • Can all tasks be completed in the mobile app?
  • It is very important to have an easy way to operate the app and a simple language for the common users. Do not need separate training to use the app!
  • Is the platform taking full responsibility for data security?
  • Most importantly, is the app tailored specifically for your small business?
  • Is the app subscription fee within your reach?
Now the question is, is there such a specialized and feature-rich accounting app for your small business?

Why 'HishabPati' is the best app for small businesses?

Yes, there is! 'HisabPati' is an accounting software or application specially designed for small and medium businesses in Bangladesh. The accounting application has been developed keeping in mind both the needs and limitations of the common businessmen.

Now let's go, let's analyze it! Why choose the HishabPati app? What features set the HisabPati app apart from other accounting apps?
Let's see-

'HishabPati' works equally well on all devices:

'HisabPati' has been developed for both mobile version (Android & iOS) and web version. As a result, the app works well on all devices, be it mobile or tab and computer or laptop.

A smart phone is enough to keep records of your business in 'HisabPati'. You can use the app only if you have a smartphone. Mobile apps for those who are out and about for business or are more mobile-oriented. And the web version can be used on your laptop or computer in case of working in an office or business.

'HishabPati' give utmost importance to data security:

Many people don't realize the importance of data security in business until the data is lost! It is not safe at present to keep accounts in pen or to use ledgers. Because, now the type of business data has changed. In order to do business, daily transactions, profit and loss, debts owed, remaining dues as well as VAT, taxes, delivery charges, stock etc. accounts must be recorded seriously. It is now impossible to record all the data in a traditional way. Fear of losing data with him!

So it is the need of the hour to use accounting apps like 'hisaabpati' instead of traditional record keeping. This will keep your business data stored and protected in one platform. No fear of data loss.

Don't lose your data in 'HishabPati'. Because, the app has a powerful data sync option and data verification facility. So any of your business data is protected once you input it into your accounting account.

Powerful data sync options give you the freedom to work from anywhere:

A nice feature of the hisabpati' is the data sync option. If you input business data from anywhere or from any device, that data will be synced and saved everywhere.

Even if your mobile or laptop is lost or damaged, you will get all your old data by logging into your account on the new device. Meaning, your account data will be the same on any device or any version.

Easy to use method for small business owners:

Look, if you look for accounting apps, you will find many, right? But you need an app that's right for your business and you. By using which you will think, yes, this app is made for me!

Easy to use interface: The user interface of the HishabPati app is very simple and user friendly. Its features or services are very easy to use. Each feature has a separate icon or tab. You will get separate tabs for adding products, adding customers or suppliers, making transactions, printing invoices, sharing invoices, viewing reports, etc. Desired tasks can be performed with just a few clicks or taps.

Easy Bengali and English language usage: 'HishabPati' is available in both Bengali and English languages. So, you don't have to face any linguistic problem to run the app. The language or words used in your daily life are used here.
So, you don't need to take any training or course to keep a business account or use any of its features in Accountant. Just download the 'HishabPati' App and install it on your mobile, laptop or tab and start using it!

Stock management facility besides keeping records of financial transactions:

In addition to the usual functions of accounting applications such as financial transaction accounting, income-expenditure accounting, balance due accounts, etc. you will get stock management opportunities in Accountant.

You will also get the stock record of the product and the notification when the stock of any product is out of stock in the account. Besides, you can turn on the product expiry notification. As a result, you can monitor the stock management of your business through your mobile phone!

Advantages of working in offline mode.:

The hisabpati' can be used even if you don't have the internet or you run out of data packages! As a result, no matter online or offline, your business account can always be updated.

After inputting data offline, all your inputted data will be synced and updated whenever you come under internet service. So, there is no fear of losing data or having no records if you are out or without internet.

Facility to message customers for remaining due updates:

'HishabPati' has a messaging facility. You can inform your customers about the balance of account balance through messages. As a result, the rest of your business will be realized more quickly and this tension will be reduced a lot! You can customize the message feature if you want. Means you can message a particular customer or keep the message option off.

Benefit of determining the future activities of the business by looking at the business report:

In 'HishabPati' you can view daily, weekly, monthly or yearly business reports. You can make calculative decisions for your business by viewing reports for different periods. There is even an option to view reports by party and item. You can easily share soft copies or hard copies of these reports in convenient formats (PDF or XL).

Subscription fee starts from just 99 BDT Only:

The hisaabpati app prioritizes affordability for small businessmen, offering two subscription terms – monthly and yearly – with three budget-friendly packages.

01. Basic Package: The basic package is completely free!

02. Premium Package: The monthly subscription fee for the premium package is just BDT.99. And there's a 17% discount on annual subscriptions! It will cost only 999 taka in a year!

03. Business Package: The monthly subscription fee of Business Package is only 199 taka! And there is a 17% discount on the annual subscription, just like the premium! So the cost is only 1990 taka in a year!

Explore HishabPati's diverse packages and choose the one that aligns with your accounting needs!


HishabPati Let the new journey of your business begin with the app!

Aren't some subtle business calculations eluding you?

The business accounts that have eluded your eyes for so long can act as important factors or key factors on the way to the next level of your business. Because business data accuracy is important in business! Which can be easily managed in a digital ledger. As a result, business opportunities that may be avoiding your eyes, may come before you!

Start brainstorming new business ideas:

You may be keeping business accounts once in store and once in home, managing multiple accounts, but also wasting time. Try the accountant app, it can add extra time to your business and life! Time that you can use to think of new business ideas.

Improve communication with customers and suppliers:

Communication is the greatest strength of any business. You can't grow a business by being one-sided, you have to increase communication. But the work is easy! You can improve communication by regularly following up with customers and suppliers as needed.

You can keep the contact numbers of all parties including customers and suppliers in the accountant app. You can share business updates by messaging them. This communication will set you apart from other traders!
Remember, small consistent changes like these always lead to big things. So, decide today-

Let the easiest and most practical transformation to take your business to new heights begin with the 'Accountant' app! Because, the best accounting app on the budget you want is less than the subscription fee of 'Hisabati'!!

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